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Credit Card Payment With Paypal


If you prefer to pay by credit card instead of Eftpos, Cash or bank transfer, please pay through paypal prior to your appointment.

All Payments are non refundable and non exchangeable.

If you are unsure of a series, please pay as you go.

If you need to cancel or change your appointment within 24 hrs of your appointment, a 25 dollar fee applies

Colon Hydrotherapy -closed system


Single session (60 min)


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Session + Organic coffee enema


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Session + Probiotic enema


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Manual Lymphatic Drainage


Whole body (60 min)


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Zero Balancing and Color Therapy

including color remedy bottle



60 min


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Package Deals

Non refundable, non exchangeable,

if you are unsure of a series,

please pay as you go


3 Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions


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2 Coffee Colonics and 1 Probiotic Colonic   


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3 Coffee Colonics and 1 Probiotic Colonic 


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Zero Balancing

Full Session (45-60 min)


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Enema Kit Disposable

$20 plus 4.50 shipping (tracked postage)

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$20 plus 6.50 shipping

(tracked overnight courier non signature)

Soul Portraits


Base Soul Portrait - Intuitive drawing 

A4 Colour pencil on black paper, short writen message or explanation/theme 

$75 (+postage & handling)

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Detailed Soul Portrait

A4 Hand drawn; black ink details over watercolour or ink base on white watercolour paper

$195 (+postage & handling)

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Enema Kit Reusable
Happy Bum Bag

$80 plus $10 shipping (tracked postage)

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Bonus deal: Receive FREE digital inverted color file with optional border and a message/affirmation when  you purchase the Detailed Soul Portrait


Back Door Spa

42 Nayland Street, Sumner, Christchurch, NZ


This website and the property at 42 Nayland Street Christchurch is run in the private and thus we only accept men, woman, sons and daughters to enter;

We of mankind at Back Door Spa do not claim to treat or cure any disease through the information and/or services on this website or at our property;

We acknowledge that only you, the man or woman, have sole/soul access to the source of life within and are thus the ultimate authority and healer of your own health;

We are here to simply bring through inspiration and support for you on your journey;

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