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Retention Enemas
Retention enemas are given at the end of a colon hydrotherapy session, are administered through the colonic equipment, retained for around 10min and are after flushed out through the colonic equipment making the experience effective and mess free
Coffee Enema

The organic, fairtrade coffee soaks in the Sigmoid colon; the end part of the colon that is directly connected to the liver through the circulatory system.  The coffee contains alkaloids which may support the detoxification of the liver, stimulating release of bile and toxins, and thus making the liver more effective; sort of like cleaning out a clogged filter in the vacuum cleaner allowing better suction capabilities. The coffee retention is then followed by an additional colonic, to clear out any remaining fecal matter and released bile.

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Probiotic Enema

Balanced gut flora is linked to strong immunity, lower serum cholesterol, improved lactose tolerance, proper nutrient absorption and a reduction in risk of colon cancer, irritable bowel and inflammatory bowel disease.  Oral probiotics may not very effective in rebalancing the colon, as they are the small intestine, so it is important to rebalance the colon at the source. This is where our probiotic enemas comes in. We use specific strains of probiotics meant for the bowel and administer it after the colonic in an retention enema through the colonic equipment.


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